Category: Running Journal
PROEARTH run on April 12, 2014
PRO EARTH RUN TO KICK-START EARTH DAY 2014 CELEBRATION Year after year since the 1990’s, the Philippines participates in the worldwide celebration of Earth Day. The Philippines’ celebration is unique in that it is a coming together of government, civil society, and churches to highlight the country’s environmental health and renew their partnership to work…
Fat Run April 14, 2013 – a worthwhile event
I started running last 2011 but this is the first time I heard about an obstacle run. The Fat Run 2013 will have five physical challenges: speed ropes, balance beam and crawling, jump box, push up, and a wall wherein the participants will have to finish within an hour. This will be a combination of…
Schools Run for School Rooms
Isn’t a good advocacy to run for school children to have their classroom this school year? I will run anyway. Why not choose an event that could spell the difference and make a your run worthwhile.
Cortal SQR Run & Fly Away from Pain
Last May 27, I was invited to run for my first 15km. I thought for a moment this is going to be a tough day for me. This is going to be my farthest distance for me. I told myself, its ok, I have Cortal SQR with me :-).
Run for Road Safety
Since I started running last year, I learned that there is a scheduled fun run almost every Saturday and Sunday. I learned also to choose what running event to attend to. I based it on the organizers, the course and most importantly, what advocacy are they supporting. For me, it makes the difference.
One Run. One Family. One La Salle. (OROFOLS 3)
I was invited to run on June 10, 2012. Honestly, I’m a bit exhausted from my last run which is my first 21km (which is to be posted next, wink, wink). But it hard to say no to a very good running event plus its for a very good cause.
Last Man Running
At first, it looks like a title from an action movie. But no, this is the latest addition to a string of events from Bayer, makers of Rogin-E. It seems interesting so I joined the Fun Run in the 5+2km category.