Peace is translated as Shalom in Hebrew. It is used as a salutation or a parting word. It was defined in some books as “silence of the mind, simplicity of the heart and serenity of the soul”.
It is very hard in this time to have peace in our lives. Having a very fast phased lifestyle, we are expected to do multi-tasking so we can do more in lesser time. We always want to get ahead of everybody – to have so much wealth, power and prestige. But we only end up being stressed and fearful of what lies ahead of us. It is said that majority of our fears or worries only happens in our minds and do not happen at all. Yet we entertain those thought s and allow them to drown our peace of mind.
Having peace of mind will surely help us deal with reality.
But how do we do that?
I have simple ways to live in peace.
I always make it a point that I am at peace with myself, with the people around me and my Creator. In everything I do, it should conform with the social and moral norms.
I am fully aware that some people might disagree with me but what is important is that those people that really matter most are satisfied in what I am doing. I do not carry a lot of emotional baggage. Often times, it slows me down to do what is expected from me.
So how do I am at peace with myself?
After a hard days work, I always ask myself, “Have I earned my Daily Bread?”
Peace be with you all.
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