There are things that we never want to let go, of people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of new life.
Moving on is not that easy in a breakup and will never happen overnight.
Part of yourself still thought about the person you love. You think about the past as you rekindle your happy moments together. But if you will not move on, downfall emotions would lead you into numbness and even drain you out.
Avoidance will never bring you anywhere nor a solution. You have to face it.
So how would you know if its time to move on?
- If the person was serious about the relationship, he would take serious steps about being together. The fact remains the person chose not to do so simply because, he did not want to be with you. Accept it, that’s the reality.
- Deep down, you hate the person. Yo think he is so irresponsible. No matter how you try to forget , you feel that person played with your feelings. He only used you, worst for pleasure. You are also mad about yourself as you allow to be hurt by someone. The key is to forgive not only the person who hurt you but also to forgive yourself. Let go of resentment as you unleash the freedom of hate within you.
- You have a feeling you are not that good enough. Ask yourself, if I become a person he wants me to be, am I be happy? If I am trying myself to be fit to that set of standard for a relationship to work on, I myself will never be happy forever.
As we refuse to move on, we prevent new opportunities from entering into our lives. The ones we are punishing isn’t the other person but our real selves.
So let go of the past. Allow new important yet great possibilities that will give you magnificent life after a heart break. Release those carried unwanted baggage.
We will always be forever living in our past than moving forward into the future if we do not start to move on.
The real essence of true love is not a fairy tale – that is always have a happy ending as we perceive to our childhood memories. Real and true love never ends. Letting go is simply saying you will love the person forever no matter what.
Just because you love the person, you have to be with that person forever at your side. True love bound to exist not in physical attachment but letting go is a form of expression of love, expression of taking steps to live your life more to the fullest, despite what happen.
To everyone out there, happy hearts day! May everyday of our lives filled with love not only on this day but whole of our lives.
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