Tag: urban life
One Run. One Family. One La Salle. (OROFOLS 3)
I was invited to run on June 10, 2012. Honestly, I’m a bit exhausted from my last run which is my first 21km (which is to be posted next, wink, wink). But it hard to say no to a very good running event plus its for a very good cause.
life’s success
How to be successful in life? For me, my taste is simple….I only want the best. Lots of money in the bank… Nice house… Nice cars… Food on the table… Good education…. Great job… This is what a lot of people call a good manifestation of success. There is nothing wrong in having all of…
peace be with you….
Always make it a point to be at peace with yourselff, with the people around you and our Creator. In everything we do, it should conform with the social and moral norms.