There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs. ~Ansel Adams
Got to stumble old photographs from classmates, relatives and loved ones posting all of it to e-groups or other social network that makes the feeling of reminiscing the joys of yesteryears…
Funny how it seems, but those photographs make us smile..
Sentimental you may call, even when the days when we were still using a traditional film camera regardless of how we shoot it in terms of lighting, distance, or the squirminess of the subject, it gives us a joy of remembering those moments – how we cope with it, how we survive with it,how we learn from those experiences and simply how we were now…
All those precious memories will be forever kept in our mind and heart as we recollect lessons learned along the way…
Never lose the joy of finding pleasure in capturing moments everyday. Take photographs. This is afterall the reflections how significant our lives are..
Grabbing the pieces of it day by day as we look back to those old photographs are truly one of our greatest landmarks to remember and to cherish…
Sometimes these simple memories bring us the most pleasure yet fullest of our lives – our milestones, our moments…
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